Cowboy Dances

A collection of Traditional Western Square Dances By Lloyd Shaw

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and exchanges places with her, and these two back up into the fourth couple's position. The third gentleman does the same with the first lady and finishes in second couple's position. At the same time the second gentle­man and the fourth lady meet, swing (two hands) and remain at the first position—while the second lady and the fourth gentleman do the same at the third position.
c)   Those occupying first and third position advance to center and those in second and fourth position sepa­rate, and they all swing and change position and partners as in (b).
d)   Those standing in first and third position now ad­vance to center, and the others proceed as in (c).
e)   This repetition (same as (c) ) brings each dancer to his own partner and back to his own position.
3. See page 153 or substitute any other ending given there.
» a a
This can be danced by having the regular swing (twice around in dance position) each time instead of the two-hand swing.
Run Away to Alabam'
1.  All eight balance, all eight swing. A left allemande and a right hand
grand, Meet your partners and promenade.
2.  a) Now swing, swing, and every-
body swing.
b)  Swing them ladies to the center And let 'em stand.
c)   G$nb$ run dw^y to Alabam\ Pa$$ ymtf(wfyi@r and swing the newt.
Eep&at (J>) m& (e) threi more time®, few times ., in yi Otm i%.$ la&f ^petitions calliii-g ?'. Pm$ ih%i gdl mi $i$i%g< y<mv own.